Taunton Film Society serves Taunton and the surrounding area.
It is a friendly, flourishing society run by people who love film and who endeavour to curate a well balanced programme of diverse, innovative and thought provoking films from around the world.
We warmly welcome new Members.
The Society meets once a month on a Friday evening in The Space Theatre, situated next to the Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, School Road, in Monkton Heathfield, Taunton TA2 8PD.
This is a modern theatre on the outskirts of the town, with easy level access, tiered seating, and ample free car parking. There are refreshments on arrival, and time after the film for a discussion… for those so inclined! You can leave feedback on paper slips before you leave, or at your leisure on the Contact page of this website.
Doors open at 7.00pm;
films start at 7.30pm.
Screenings are open to Members and their Guests - it is possible to join ‘on the night’.
The website is regularly updated. Refresh your screen to ensure you have the latest information.
24 January 2025
Lo Capitano
Italy 2023 - Drama
Dir: Matteo Garrone
Cert: 15 - 2 hours 2 minutes
Two teenage boys star in Matteo Garrone’s passionate expose of how greed, trauma and corruption drive the modern-day slave trade in would be migrants. His new film is part adventure story, part slavery drama.Seydou and Moussa, played by nonprofessional acting newcomers, dream of escape to the fabled land of the EU as refugees, where they expect to go viral and make a fortune as music stars like the people they’re watching on TikTok. For years they have been writing songs and secretly working on building sites while pretending to go to football practice, amassing cash savings which in the succeeding months they will hand over to various gangmasters, fixers and corrupt gun-wielding soldiers.Seydou and the others are not exactly masters of their fate, or captains of their souls. They are swept along by power and inequality, but Garrone shows that their humanity and compassion remain buoyant.